Land Rover
Serge Heitz & Hedonic Machines
By creating the Hedonic brand with his wife 4 years ago, Serge Heitz offers his customers the opportunity to go even further and take part in a journey to bring about the rebirth of their vehicle. The concept of Hedonic as conceived by Serge Heitz, its founder, is to give birth to exceptional vehicles, automobiles or motorcycles, to make unique creations by combining the excellence of a craftsmanship associated with the demand for technology and innovation. These vehicles from the past are part of this rebirth in the future.

“Renaissance” is also “to recreate” and this can also evoke the idea of “recreation”. It is in these values that the Hedonic brand and universe are inscribed, whose name then takes on its full meaning. It is in this spirit that Hedonic offers a rich creative universe with, in particular, its collection of clothing, skateboards, surfboards, art objects and its collaborations with emblematic brands. Thanks to this philosophy, Hedonic brings together a community sensitive to a certain art of living.